About us

Company information

Company information:
Samar Law Advokatanpartsselskab
Gammel Kongevej 120, 1. tv
1850 Frederiksberg
CVR no. 40431020

Mobile: +45 6079 3777
E-mail: payam@samarlaw.dk

Samar Law is organized as a limited liability partnership.

Samar Law's lawyer is appointed by the Ministry of Justice in Denmark and a member of the Danish Bar and Law Society.

Samar Law has liability insurance with Dahlberg Assurance Agentur under policy number 310-020151. The liability insurance covers all legal services provided by Samar Law Advokatanpartsselskab.

Samar Law has a client bank account with Jyske Bank with the following account information:

Account number: 0001070074
Registration number: 7135
IBAN account number: DK0271350001070074

Our advice is subject to our general terms of business.


The attorneys at Samar Law are subject to the supervisory and disciplinary system of the Danish Bar and Law Society and the rules of professional conduct, cf. section 126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. In addition, Samar Law is subject to the rules of legal ethics.

In case of a dispute about fees or the conduct of Samar Law's attorneys, the person entitled to complain may complain to the Danish Bar and Law Society (www.advokatnaevnet.dk), Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K.

We have no opening or closing hours, and you are always welcome to call or send an email.